Fantasy fanatic, avid gamer, Groen niet Links Tweets are personal opinion
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Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Dear Science

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Science Satan will try to tempt you every time you go through the herbal medicine section of a Whole Foods, my friends. Stay strong.

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Geeks of London! As if this writing there are exactly 8 discounted signed copies of Soonish left! Buy soon or feel shame!

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2390 days ago
Creationists are put on earth by Science-Satan
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2389 days ago
Praise be to empiricism (and why there are creationists)
Houston, TX
2390 days ago
Empiricists unite! ... if evidence suggests to do so.


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2540 days ago
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2540 days ago
Vancouver BC

Fruit Challenge

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Fruit Challenge

I think coconuts are actually harder to open, but pineapples, like dark souls, get the fame of being the hardcore one.


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2540 days ago
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Brazen Bull

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Amazing Healthcare

It was 2008. Barack Obama had just been carried to the Presidency by a message of “Hope” and “Change.” The outgoing President, George W. Bush, was an incompetent, brain-damaged war-criminal and clumsy buffoon who had ruined the economy, pillaged numerous public institutions, and caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of innocent people, while simultaneously accelerating the destruction of the environment, and the concentration of wealth in fewer and fewer hands: robbing the poor to feed the rich.

People were hurting, distressed—desperate for compassion and justice. Obama seemed to promise many broad, badly-needed reforms in both foreign and domestic policy that would usher in a new era of peace and prosperity.

But instead of delivering on most of those promises, Obama gradually betrayed all but his wealthiest supporters’ trust over the next eight years, constantly citing Republican obstructionism as an excuse for his failures, until enough of his own voters became sufficiently fed up to elect a dumb, narcissistic ape with a bad comb-over as his successor.

Obama’s signature legislative achievement, the Affordable Care Act, had been compromised to the point that it couldn’t even be called a half-measure, and any gains made by it—a prohibition on health insurance companies denying patients’ claims due to “preexisting conditions” chief among them—were encased in a byzantine, bureaucratic maze reminiscent of the movie Brazil, accompanied by side-effects that were often as bad as the disease “Obamacare” was supposed to treat.

It was almost as if it was purposefully designed to fail, thus weakening public trust in government-administered healthcare, and allowing Republicans to credibly threaten repealing and replacing it with something even worse than the conditions “pre-existing” before!

His party’s 2016 nominee for President practically gloated to his disillusioned base that better things were not possible, lecturing them like Mr. Bumble talking down to Oliver Twist. This was called “pragmatic” by bought-and-paid-for media flunkies whose dictionaries must contain a serious misprint under the word, unaware of how this baseless, tone-deaf condescension actually strengthened Donald Trump’s small but ferocious hand—those who hadn’t been explicitly ordered to “elevate” him, anyway!

A challenger in the Democratic primary, Bernie Sanders, recognized the looming disaster, warning that only a candidate with a bold, genuinely populist platform could prevent it; and though he was struck down by a party establishment apparently determined to lose, he’s since become more powerful than they could possibly imagine as a result.

A growing contingent of his Senate colleagues, finally getting the message, has signed on to Bernie’s “Medicare-for-All” bill, unveiled last week. Though even this bill doesn’t go far enough, and its passage at this time is unlikely, what it proposes represents a major leap towards guaranteeing healthcare to all Americans—not just health insurance, or some mealy-mouthed, ambiguous qualifier like “access”—while still addressing cold, economic concerns.

THAT’S what a true “compromise” looks like!

The post Brazen Bull appeared first on This is Historic Times.

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2556 days ago
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Escaping the Goolag

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Day after day I see liberals banning, shadow-banning, demonetizing authors they disagree with. No, not just Nazi saluting, racist slur shouting idiots, not like those repulsive views doesn’t have the right to be expressed, see unanimous US Supreme Court decision (most of these companies are in the US).

You can get banned for collecting data about Islamist terror attacks or posting pictures of a fat hedgehog. Or check out these white supremacists that Youtube bravely stopped:

Liberals are openly calling for banning the President of the USA from the internet and express displeasure at the tech companies for letting some “hate” sites exists.

The purpose of this isn’t to take down the actual posters. They are both capable of reappearing at other, at worst foreign hosts and also preach to the choir. Not like many independents or politically unaffiliated people follow Lauren Southern. So silencing them won’t change anything, anyone who read them will keep reading something like that and even if all “hate” content disappear (for example the extremely hateful position of Ann Coulter that the existing immigration laws should be enforced), the former readers will still be diehard anti-liberal voters.

No, the real target is the content creator like myself. Someone who mostly doesn’t post political things. Someone who doesn’t make money out of politics and can live without it. I post mostly about video games. Sometimes about economics. Rarely about politics. I could go on without posting about politics. Which is the very point of the current censorship campaign of the leftist: to make me censor myself in fear of being banned. After all, I can write about how to find medkids in Mylta and look how much hits I got for it:


Why risk my blog for an occasional political post? It’s safer to shut up and monetize those hits. Maybe setting up a twitch channel and telling fart jokes while collecting medkits!

People like me are the most dangerous to the liberals because my readers are from various parts of the political palette. Ann Coulter won’t reach a liberal or an independent, as they are already made to believe that she is a bloodthirsty Nazi and no decent people should ever listen to her, she must be silenced by setting dumpsters on fire. I do reach these people, because they come here for a-political video game ideas again and again and once BANG! there is a forbidden thought about welfare being bad or the Nazi idea of meritocracy. I have a chance to convince independents or even liberals that not being lazy and dumb isn’t equal to joining the Totenkopf-SS. is owned by Google, which is the most aggressively liberal company I know of. They fired this engineer for the horrible crime of citing the scientific consensus about differences between the averages of males and females:

I guess I don’t even need to post about meritocracy and capitalism to get banned, it’s enough that someone writes them a complaint “im john and i play wow with the name arthasdklől and this gevlon guy bullied me for having small penis (he used the gaming slang DPS) im literally shaking stop him” and I’m banned. Probably this happened to this statistics prof who didn’t even do politics. Some liberal wrote an anonymous “I’m victim of microaggression” post and it’s enough.

Since I rigorously save everything and I backup my computer regularly and I keep backup DVDs away from my home, I never really bothered about losing my blog content. I just realized that what I can lose is the blog address. I mean if Goolag bans my blog, I have no way to tell you where my new content can be found. You won’t even know I’m banned, you can just assume that I ragequit.

So today I escaped the Goolag and continue my blog on this site. The template is rudimentary, the format is horrible, I have to figure out how to do things, but I’ll manage. I will no longer post content on, but for the foreseeable future I will post a link every time a new post here is up. I keep the old content where it is, will bother migrating the old posts when Goolag chooses to ban me. Maybe they won’t, since I will no longer post content on their site, so there isn’t much point anymore. While I’ve found no instance of WordPress banning people for not supporting Hillary/Justin/Angela, it’s also possible that this site gets banned first, but then I can use the old google site to tell you where you can find me.

I’d like to stress that this isn’t a political solidarity for Ann, Lauren, James or the countless others the liberals try to silence. It’s simply a precaution to prevent it happening to me. Yet it somewhat depressing that I’ve grown up listening how the generation of my parents fought against communist oppression and how lucky I am that I’ll live my life in freedom and yet I need to do the exact same things they did against the exact same lefties marching under the exact same flags:

The blog will not become any more political than it was (yes, there will be a political post tomorrow, the blame is on Tobold). It will still mostly about video games and their strategies. Instead of preaching, I want to show how meritocracy and “pay to win” mentality works in the simulated World. I can’t stop a war with preaching. I can make someone’s life better if I convince him to stop carrying morons and slackers on his back.

Please be patient while I figure out how this works. Especially how to make the text field wider, I hate that 70% of my screen is unused and the post is a small column in the middle. Also, anyone knows how can I comment as “Gevlon” instead of “greedygoblinblog”?

Finally, something funny but true:
– If communism doesn’t work, why do so many people support it?
– Because they don’t work either!

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2585 days ago
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Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Job

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The annoying thing about political economy textbooks is that the letters only appear when the Black Candle is lit beneath a Blood Moon.

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2586 days ago
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2585 days ago
I was born in Ghana and now live in Sweden. Oh, and since my username doesn't make it obvious: my first name is Job.

If there is a god, I feel like he's doing some kind of reverse-psychology mockery of me through this comic.